Course Location:

  • This course will give your staff the tools they need to boost their sales success. It is never been more essential for sales professionals to fine tune their telephone selling skills.
  • Participants will gain the strategies, techniques and tools they need to move every customer toward a buying decision.
  • Since selling on the phone means they lack the visual cues of an in-person sales call, we will teach them proven methods for moving a sale forward without standard visual cues.
  • They will engage in role-plays and apply a structured approach with words and phrases that come naturally and involve their customer. Using innovative, effective and fun ways of learning, the telesales person becomes a professional Telemarketer



  • You will understanding the unique characteristics of telemarketing to improve your sales success
  • Navigate the process of getting to the decision maker by working with gatekeepers—humans, voicemail or automated
  • Interact with your customer over the phone to get attention quickly and maintain interest during the call
  • Increase proven telephone communications skills using body position and mental attitude to affect your voice, tone, inflection, projection and delivery
  • Identify best practices for making informal and formal presentations over the phone or Web
  • Use consultative selling skills that lead to successful sales relationships over the telephone




  • Using the Phone as a Powerful Sales Tool
  • Planning and Time Management
  • Knowing Your Offering and Tying It to Customers Needs
  • A Framework for Successful Calls
  • Delivering Persuasive Presentations
  • Engaging the Customer
  • Staying Upbeat


If you would like to speak to one of our Experienced Training Advisors then call us today on  012613051 or email us at

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