These powerful, ground-breaking and dynamic talks produce amazing results - fast, with 90 to 95% excellent rating every time.
These MAC CONSULTING tailor-made - talks increase your profits immediately due to the maximization of each and every individual’s potential, which in turn maximizes profit for all companies.
These talks can also be designed and Tailor - made as in-house Programs if you wish or
call us to design a talk/program exclusively for you.
Phone National : 01 2613051
Phone International : 00353 1 2613051
Cell / Mobile : 00353 86 8222620
Best - Selling Talks / Programs :
1. The 7 keys to unlocking your full potential & eliminating fear
2. How to set your vision on the moon & the stars – then you won’t end up with a handful of mud
3. Learn how to harness forces & factors to create Successful Phenomena
4. 10 Mind Strategies for a better working attitude/ perspective
5. Knowing your life’s purpose – the power of focus and clarity
6. How to get from where you are to where you want to be - NOW
7. Positive mental health & eliminating stress
8. Time Management for Personal effectiveness
9. No.1 Strategies for effective and improved Sales & Leadership
10. How to create & grow your own Business success
11. How to create value, integrity, ethics & trust at no cost
12. Emotional Intelligence for effective Team Building
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